Dr. Michael Marsh-Soloway
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
“Asymmetrical Federalism and the Republic of Tatarstan: Models of Ethnic Relations in the Russian Federation, and the City of Kazan as a Microcosm of Successful Integration Policy,” Obrzovanshchina (May 2011), 16.
«Что возмутило американских студентов?» (“What outraged American students?”) Letter to Editor Pavel Nikolayevich Gusev of Московский комсомолец. Ed. Anna Sharogradskaya. Журналист, No. 2, February 2011, 74.
“When Country Poets Transition to City: Bucolic Nostalgia of Twentieth-Century Urban Movements in the Writings of Sergei Esenin and Langston Hughes.” Ed. Mikhail Sergeev, Symposion: A Journal of Russian Thought, 15 (2010), 65-79.
Synopsis: “Interactions along the Fault Lines of Civilizations: Investigating Literary Transitions and Legacies in Russian Accounts of the Caucasian Conquest.” Northwestern Undergraduate Research Journal, Vol. 5, (2009), 18-25.
Translation: “Drown Me, or Be Damned!” A translation of a short Russian story by Valentin Pikul with consent from Veche Publishing in Moscow. Ed. Yuri Urbanovich. Inkstone, Issue 24 (2015): 16-22.
Translations: Contributor to Contemporary Russian Literature at the University of Virginia
- “Poetry and Poetics” («Поэзия и поэтика»), translation of the speech by Viktor Sosnora at the 2011 poet laureate ceremony. 24 April 2014.
- "The Early Poetry of Vladimir Nabokov Remembered Today.” 21 March 2012
- “The Latest Novel by Dmitrii Bykov.” Co-translated with Kristina Uvarova. 16 April 2010.
Book Chapters“Unseen Beauty, Shadows of Liminal Space, and the Caustic Passions of Exile: The Life and Writings of M. Yu. Lermontov.” Critical Insights: Russia’s Golden Age. Ed. Rachel Stauffer. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2014, 87-109.
Dissertation companion website: The Mathematical Genius of F.M. Dostoevsky: Imaginary Numbers, Non-Euclidean Geometry, and Infinity. 15 May 2016.
ReviewsReview of Dostoevsky Beyond Dostoevsky: Science, Religion, Philosophy, Ed. Svetlana Evdokimova and Vladimir Golstein, Ars Rossica, 2016. Russian Review, Vol. 76, No. 3 (Forthcoming edition in July of 2017).
Review of Fun and Software: Exploring Pleasure, Paradox, and Pain in Computing. Ed. Olga Goriunova, Bloomsbury, 2014. Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, No.13 (2015): 187-189.
In the News
Study Abroad Experiences after SWSEEL. Personal feature in Polyglot: SWSEEL Alumni Newsletter.
Tue., Mar. 1, 2016Interview to discuss the arrest of Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Yekaterina Samutsevich, and Maria Alekhina, members of the punk rock group, Pussy Riot on Soundboard, WTJU.
Thu., Aug. 23, 2012Appeared on a cooking special of the daily interest TV show, Who's First? that aired on the channel All Ufa.
Thu., Jul. 14, 2011